Project Literacy For Today (LIFT) was established in 1992 and has served over 1,500 adults over the last 28 years.


Provide adult education and workforce preparation activities to adults in Hillsborough and surrounding communities.


Improve the socioeconomic status of adults through supporting and encouraging education, employment, life-long learning, and civic involvement.

Core Values

  • Provide equal and equitable access to technology, digital resources, and instruction to all adults in the community especially those with low income and low skill levels.
  • Create a friendly, distraction free learning environment.
  • Remain flexible and adaptable to meet the changing educational needs of the community.
  • Support learner persistence by helping to eliminate barriers to success.
  • Respect and protect participants’ privacy.

Our services include:

Basic reading, writing, and math

High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) preparation

English for English language learners

College and career transitions

Digital literacy